Friday, September 21, 2007

Not Really A MISSED Connection...

This is kind of bratty, but I also kind of liked it. I'm not trying to be bike-centric, I promise.

I hit you on my bike this morning.... - m4w - 34 (Midtown East)

Given the posting title, i guess this isn't really a "missed"
connection. We connected quite solidly.
You: Blue dress, mid-twenties,
gorgeous, blonde, black shoes, enormous purse, risk taker. I can tell you're a
risk taker because you cross against the light with ur ipod going full tilt.
Thats why you didn't hear me yelling for you to watch out.

Anyway, I
hope you're still alright. I think you're beautiful.
I'm alright, and more
importantly, my bike is ok.
Same time and place monday morning?

Verdict: Wouldn't that be an ol' meet-cute? Even if this dude has the very faint touch of the douche in him.

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